Brief Title: Parody Comic
Rough Description: Light hearted, spoof, parody, non threatning, no monsters, using refrences from popular culture, recurring characters
Skills: drawing, humor, sketching, storyboarding, print techniques
Time Frame: 5-6 weeks
Considerations: Restricted to certain things, nothing new, doesn't have a strong story, inside refrencing - points of interest.
Brief Title: Look BookRough Description: Produce a hard bound professional finish series of litited edition of books, each featuring new and different characters, no type.
Skills: Book binding, print processes, book design, illustration, book layout
Time Frame: 2-3 months
Considerations: budget, is the idea strong enough?, would act as a character catalogue. content could be boring but high quality finishing on book would draw people in, almost free reign illustration wise.
Brief Title: Monster Comic Rough Description: Developing existing monster drawings into full length one off comic.
Why: appeals to my personal interests, keen to do (expanding into horror), fun but challenging, lots of existing ideas, eager to work with book finishing, binding etc.
Skills: Book binding, print processes, book design, illustration, book layout
Time Frame: 2 months
Considerations: may not appeal to as many people due to content, might be a bit boring for anyone who doesn't understand cultural refrences/horror genre. Otherwise - budget, stock, print, format, book binding etc.
Brief Title: Below Average Superhero
Rough Description: Idea to develop a comic in a more professional looking style rather than hand made zine quality. Character development and design, more emphasis on writing and storyboarding. Light hearted humor, not directly based on cultural refrences. Takes more of it's inspiration from reality.
Skills: Book binding, print processes, book design, illustration, book layout, charcter development, writing, story boards, colouring in.
Time Frame: 3-4 months
Considerations: finishing, book design/bind, budget, stock, humor, colour pallet. How will this stand out to the independent comic collector? What will I do to make it different from other independent comics?
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