Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Ideas for Comic...

I am planning to put my work in sequential comic format. The reasoning behind this is that I want to create stories from the characters that I draw. A continuous theme in a lot of my drawings is the characters and how they interact with other characters. The best way to extend this is to put stories behind these characters. Comics let this process happen. I plan to draw lots of various ideas through the next few weeks and from those images produce a story which could then be turned into a comic.

I wanted to experiment with different ideas and scenarios to do with monsters and demons. Not having anything to base the illustrations from or a story to work to, this allowed my imagination to go wild, giving the characters and their situations an organic feel.
I really like the idea of using a monster as a main character, however there are some downsides to the concept. Traditionally a monster is only used to create tension or shock for the other characters. This limits what I can do with the story.

I played with different techniques of creating these monsters. I wanted to put them in different situations but still keep an element of light heartedness. I did this by looking at the different elements which make up the illustration, the character, environment, pose, action etc. 

A large part of my desire to do this was my fascination with old horror themed B- Movie posters. I found out that many B Movies only went into production after the film poster had been designed, and would often base the entire film from what was on the front of the poster. I thought it was fascinating that you could tell a story on just one image and then to make a movie of it. Also they had an element of humour, wether it was intentional or not.

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