Wednesday, 1 June 2011


Using popular culture

In my work I tend to use cultural references as an initial idea for a single or set of illustrations. I don’t mean this in the sense I copy a photograph or a still from a film and turn it into a illustration. I try to parody situations, mainly those of film and the media. The drawings and illustrations are still based to suit a younger audience so I tend to mock or comment on things that appeal to that age range more often.

There re many popular television programs that work in a similar fashion. Sketch based shows such as 'Family Guy', and South Park' take references from the media and comment or mock it. Most of the time it used for a humorous effect. I often use my own interest in film and television to shape what I do. Most of the time my interests reflect the interests of my audience demographic for example my illustrations based on Star Wars parodies have gained a lot of attention on the micro blogging website

Here are some examples of popular film and television which use satire and parody in their work...

1) Insheeption (2010)- South Park, Comedy Central, USA. 

The title of the episode is derived from and also satirizes the 2010 film Inception. The episode's title and plot parody and make many references to the film Inception, with the main characters from the film playing a major part on the episode. The movie's supposed complexity and subsequent critical acclaim are also satirized with Sharon claiming "Just because an idea is overly convoluted and complex, doesn't make it cool."

South Park verges on the offensive to many although it's fan base and creators stick by it's dark comedy and razor sharp cynicism. Of course for a parody to work it doesn’t have to mock the situation to the same degree that shows like South Park do, there can be many subtle and less controversial ways to reflect on popular culture.

2) Blue Harvest, 2007, Family Guy, Fox Network, USA.

The episode is a retelling and parody of the blockbuster film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, recasting the show's characters into Star Wars roles. The show also parodies various manner of media. Near the end of the show one of the characters references that Robot Chicken (a similar animated show shown on the same network) already did the same thing three months earlier. A discussion follows in which Peter (the protagonist of family guy) denigrates Robot Chicken as another character, Chris (whom appears in both shows) defends it.

What I love about these shows is the way they can parody and mock situations that are instantly recognisable and fun to view. The humour sometimes can be a little distasteful but it works with the shows format. I plan to start drawing using references from popular culture. I will take a more light hearted approach at first however. As I don’t want the work to seem grotesque or use any dark humour where it is not needed. I will reference what I already have an interest in as this seems to strike a chord with my audience. 


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